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HomeNewsOpen houses about Northlander passenger rail service hear great stories

Open houses about Northlander passenger rail service hear great stories

The senior communications manager for Ontario Northland says public reaction to the return of Northlander passenger rail service continues to be extremely positive.

An open house Wednesday at Northern College in Timmins is focusing on the new Timmins-Porcupine station. And Kate Bondett says the casual, one-on-one format allows at-length conversations.

“We’re really understanding how people are digesting the information,” she remarks. “We’re really learning about how they see it fitting into their lives. So this kind of structure for a longer day really allows us to have those deep and meaningful conversations.”

“We’re hearing a lot of really unique and fun stories about people connecting with families, looking for opportunities where they can better connect to health care and education; people envisioning travelling with young children not in a car seat, but next to each other.”

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Bondett says grandparents are also excited about older grandchildren boarding the train down south and coming north to visit.

The Northlander is on track for a return in 2026.


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