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HomeNewsThe Easter Bunny visits -- from a physical distance

The Easter Bunny visits — from a physical distance

It takes more than a pandemic to stop the Easter Bunny from visiting kids this spring.

Here in Timmins, the business called “Gwen’s Friends” is bringing him to town tomorrow (Friday, April 3rd).

He’s going to be doing a walk-by all over the city, starting at 8:30am on Evelyn Crescent, just past the cemetery on Pine Street South.

Matthew Harper from Gwen’s Friends says the Bunny can’t hand out eggs to kids because of physical distancing requirements.

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“They’re encouraged to come to the end of the driveway,” he remarks.  “From there we can take a little picture at a distance away, where the Easter Bunny is behind them.”

So you can’t sit on Easter Bunny’s lap, but he will photobomb your selfie.

Harper says the walk-by is a way to ensure younger kids that the Easter Bunny will come to their homes next weekend.

“So I figured you know what, why not walk around town and spread some cheer, because all he kids are sitting at home anyway,” he relates.  “I know mine are bored as heck at home plus they’re driving the wife crazy, so why not give the parents a little bit of a break and have the Easter Bunny walk around for them.”

You can follow the progress so you’ll know when the Easter Bunny is on your street, on the Gwen’s Friends Facebook page.

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