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HomeNewsNew coed soccer league for anyone over 35

New coed soccer league for anyone over 35

Timmins now has a senior coed soccer league that is entirely recreational, intended for anyone whose competitive career is over.

Coordinator André Gamache says it’s for anyone 35 and over.

“We were originally going with age 40, but had a few players who had some injury in the past who were like ‘Oh, can you bring it down to 35? I’m really interested to come out’,” he says, “so we decided to bring it down to age 35 and it is open, men and women.”

The games are played on half a field at TH&VS Sunday evenings and O’Gorman High School on Wednesdays.  Teams are set up at the start of a game, to ensure balance.

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There’s no referee. Gamache says players are on an honour system not to do anything that would injure themselves or others.

And it’s not expensive, either.

“We’re keeping the cost as low as possible, so just basically the field rental and insurance cost. I was hoping for a certain number of players, so I budgeted for about $25 a player.”

You can get more information from the Timmins Men’s or Women’s Soccer League Facebook pages, and from audio of our interview right here.

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